How to contribute

Pull-requests and discussions are essential for any open-source project. Any contribution to this project will be considered lovely. Here’s just a quick guide to help you in this journey.

Please have in mind that nothing can be considered 100% truth and immutable (including this statement). This project will not adhere to any strict way of development.


Github has two great GREAT articles about contributing: Contributing to Open Source on GitHub and Using pull requests. Please make sure to read it in your lifetime (everyone that reads became a better person).


Oh man, and are astonishing!

Please, try to keep your commit messages as communicative as possible. There is a good reference for it as well.


I usually think in the commit itself as an implicit subject of commit message. For example: [This commit] Add .gitignore Also take a look at this commit message format proposal, that borrows some convention from AngularJS.

Communication is always handy! If you have any doubt or would like to discuss your thoughts, you are more than welcome to send me a message! Please comment directly on the code, open an issue, submit a pull request, mention me anywhere... I think GitHub has good tools to help developers communicate and share experiences.

Code Guidelines

This repository try to adhere to PEP8 as much as possible.

Please make use of tools like flake8, pylint, isort, and pre-commit before submitting your code. There are configuration files for all these tools in the root of the repository and the easiest way of starting is by doing:

sudo pip install pre-commit
# drop sudo if you are using a virtualenv or pyenv
# inside project directory:
pre-commit install
pre-commit run --all-files

Please also consider running the test suite before submitting a pull request:

python test

Reporting a Bug

  • Update to the most recent master release if possible. Someone may have already fixed your bug (such a wonderful scenario!)
  • Search for similar issues. It’s possible somebody has encountered this bug already. In this case comment your experience too!
  • Clearly describe the issue including steps to reproduce when it is a bug and preferably send a script that does so. Try to keep all the things fully operational with the exception of the bug you want to demonstrate. (Ok, I admit this is boring, but is probably the fastest way to get thing working).
  • Keep up to date with feedback from the project team, maybe you can help us to test ;)
  • If possible, submit a Pull Request with a failing test. It would be wonderful to increase the test coverage!
  • Consider the challenge of fixing the bug, I’m sure it can be funny or at least very aggrandizing.

Requesting a Feature

  • Search Issues for similar feature requests. It’s possible somebody has already asked for this feature or provided a pull request that we’re still discussing.
  • Provide a clear and detailed explanation of the feature you want and why it’s important to add. Keep in mind that features should be useful to the majority of users and not just a small subset. If you’re just targeting a minority of users, consider writing an add-on library.
  • If the feature is complex, consider writing some initial documentation for it. If we do end up accepting the feature it will need to be documented and this will also help us to understand it better ourselves.
  • Attempt a Pull Request. If you’re at all able, start writing some code. We always have more work to do than time to do it. If you can write some code then that will speed the process along.


This guide was partially copied from

Please consider reading them. They are just great!