Source code for pyangext.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Utility belt for working with ``pyang`` and ``pyangext``."""
import io
import logging
from os.path import isfile
from warnings import warn

from six import StringIO

from pyang import Context, FileRepository
from pyang.error import err_level, err_to_str, error_codes
from pyang.translators import yang
from pyang.yang_parser import YangParser

from .definitions import PREFIX_SEPARATOR

__all__ = [

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    'path': [],
    'deviations': [],
    'features': [],
    'format': 'yang',
    'keep_comments': True,
    'no_path_recurse': False,
    'trim_yin': False,
    'yang_canonical': False,
    'yang_remove_unused_imports': False,
    # -- errors
    'ignore_error_tags': [],
    'ignore_errors': [],
    'list_errors': True,
    'print_error_code': False,
    'errors': [],
    'warnings': [code for code, desc in error_codes.items() if desc[0] > 4],
    'verbose': True,
"""Default options for pyang command line"""

"""copy options to pyang context options"""

class objectify(object):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    """Utility for providing object access syntax (.attr) to dicts"""

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        for entry in args:


    def __getattr__(self, _):
        return None

    def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
        self.__dict__[attr] = value

def _parse_features_string(feature_str):
    if feature_str.find(':') == -1:
        return (feature_str, [])

    [module_name, rest] = feature_str.split(':', 1)
    if rest == '':
        return (module_name, [])

    features = rest.split(',')
    return (module_name, features)

[docs]def create_context(path='.', *options, **kwargs): """Generates a pyang context. The dict options and keyword arguments are similar to the command line options for ``pyang``. For ``plugindir`` use env var ``PYANG_PLUGINPATH``. For ``path`` option use the argument with the same name, or ``PYANG_MODPATH`` env var. Arguments: path (str): location of YANG modules. (Join string with ``os.pathsep`` for multiple locations). Default is the current working dir. *options: list of dicts, with options to be passed to context. See bellow. **kwargs: similar to ``options`` but have a higher precedence. See bellow. Keyword Arguments: print_error_code (bool): On errors, print the error code instead of the error message. Default ``False``. warnings (list): If contains ``error``, treat all warnings as errors, except any other error code in the list. If contains ``none``, do not report any warning. errors (list): Treat each error code container as an error. ignore_error_tags (list): Ignore error code. (For a list of error codes see ``pyang --list-errors``). ignore_errors (bool): Ignore all errors. Default ``False``. canonical (bool): Validate the module(s) according to the canonical YANG order. Default ``False``. yang_canonical (bool): Print YANG statements according to the canonical order. Default ``False``. yang_remove_unused_imports (bool): Remove unused import statements when printing YANG. Default ``False``. trim_yin (bool): In YIN input modules, trim whitespace in textual arguments. Default ``False``. lax_xpath_checks (bool): Lax check of XPath expressions. Default ``False``. strict (bool): Force strict YANG compliance. Default ``False``. max_line_len (int): Maximum line length allowed. Disabled by default. max_identifier_len (int): Maximum identifier length allowed. Disabled by default. features (list): Features to support, default all. Format ``<modname>:[<feature>,]*``. keep_comments (bool): Do not discard comments. Default ``True``. no_path_recurse (bool): Do not recurse into directories in the yang path. Default ``False``. Returns: pyang.Context: Context object for ``pyang`` usage """ # deviations (list): Deviation module (NOT CURRENTLY WORKING). opts = objectify(DEFAULT_OPTIONS, *options, **kwargs) repo = FileRepository(path, no_path_recurse=opts.no_path_recurse) ctx = Context(repo) ctx.opts = opts for attr in _COPY_OPTIONS: setattr(ctx, attr, getattr(opts, attr)) # make a map of features to support, per module (taken from pyang bin) for feature_name in opts.features: (module_name, features) = _parse_features_string(feature_name) ctx.features[module_name] = features # apply deviations (taken from pyang bin) for file_name in opts.deviations: with, "r", encoding="utf-8") as fd: module = ctx.add_module(file_name, if module is not None: ctx.deviation_modules.append(module) return ctx
[docs]def qualify_str(arg, prefix_sep=PREFIX_SEPARATOR): """Transform prefixed strings in tuple ``(prefix, string)``""" response = arg if isinstance(arg, tuple) else tuple(arg.split(prefix_sep)) if len(response) == 2: return response return ('', response[0])
[docs]def compare_prefixed(arg1, arg2, prefix_sep=PREFIX_SEPARATOR, ignore_prefix=False): """Compare 2 arguments : prefixed strings or tuple ``(prefix, string)`` Arguments: arg1 (str or tuple): first argument arg2 (str or tuple): first argument prefix_sep (str): prefix string separator (default: ``':'``) Returns: bool """ cmp1 = qualify_str(arg1, prefix_sep=prefix_sep) cmp2 = qualify_str(arg2, prefix_sep=prefix_sep) if ignore_prefix: return cmp1[-1:] == cmp2[-1:] return cmp1 == cmp2
[docs]def select(statements, keyword=None, arg=None, ignore_prefix=False): """Given a list of statements filter by keyword, or argument or both. Arguments: statements (list of pyang.statements.Statement): list of statements to be filtered. keyword (str): if specified the statements should have this keyword arg (str): if specified the statements should have this argument ``keyword`` and ``arg`` can be also used as keyword arguments. Returns: list: nodes that matches the conditions """ response = [] for item in statements: if (keyword and keyword != item.keyword and not compare_prefixed( keyword, item.raw_keyword, ignore_prefix=ignore_prefix)): continue if (arg and arg != item.arg and not compare_prefixed( arg, item.arg, ignore_prefix=ignore_prefix)): continue response.append(item) return response
[docs]def find(parent, keyword=None, arg=None, ignore_prefix=False): """Select all sub-statements by keyword, or argument or both. See Also: function :func:`select` """ return select(parent.substmts, keyword, arg, ignore_prefix)
[docs]def walk(parent, select=lambda x: x, apply=lambda x: x, key='substmts'): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,redefined-outer-name """Recursivelly find nodes and/or apply a function to them. Arguments: parent (pyang.statements.Statement): root of the subtree were the search will take place. select: optional callable that receives a node and returns a bool (True if the node matches the criteria) apply: optional callable that are going to be applied to the node if it matches the criteria key (str): property where the children nodes are stored, default is ``substmts`` Returns: list: results collected from the apply function """ results = [] if select(parent): results.append(apply(parent)) if hasattr(parent, key): children = getattr(parent, key) for child in children: results.extend(walk(child, select, apply, key)) return results
[docs]def dump(node, file_obj=None, prev_indent='', indent_string=' ', ctx=None): """Generate a string representation of an abstract syntax tree. Arguments: node (pyang.statements.Statement): object to be represented file_obj (file): *file-like* object where the representation will be dumped. If nothing is passed, the method returns a string Keyword Arguments: prev_indent (str): string to be added to the produced indentation indent_string (str): string to be used as indentation ctx (pyang.Context): context object used to generate string representation. If no context is passed, a dummy object is used with default configuration Returns: str: text content if ``file_obj`` is not specified """ # create a buffer to allow string return if no file_obj given _file_obj = file_obj or StringIO() # process AST yang.emit_stmt( ctx or create_context(), node, _file_obj, 1, None, prev_indent, indent_string) # one-liners <3: if no file_obj get buffer content and close it! return file_obj or (_file_obj.getvalue(), _file_obj.close())[0]
[docs]def check(ctx, rescue=False): """Check existence of errors or warnings in context. Code mostly borrowed from ``pyang`` script. Arguments: ctx (pyang.Context): pyang context to be checked. Keyword Arguments: rescue (bool): if ``True``, no exception/warning will be raised. Raises: SyntaxError: if errors detected Warns: SyntaxWarning: if warnings detected Returns: tuple: (list of errors, list of warnings), if ``rescue`` is ``True`` """ errors = [] warnings = [] opts = ctx.opts if opts.ignore_errors: return (errors, warnings) for (epos, etag, eargs) in ctx.errors: if (hasattr(opts, 'ignore_error_tags') and etag in opts.ignore_error_tags): continue if not ctx.implicit_errors and hasattr(, 'i_modulename'): # this module was added implicitly (by import); skip this error # the code includes submodules continue elevel = err_level(etag) # elevel 4 -> warning explain = err_to_str(etag, eargs) reason = etag if opts.print_error_code else explain if 'unexpected keyword "description"' in reason: # TODO: WTF pyang bug?? elevel = 4 message = '({}) {}'.format(str(epos), reason) if (elevel >= 4 or etag in opts.warnings) and etag not in opts.errors: if 'error' in opts.warnings and etag not in opts.warnings: pass elif 'none' in opts.warnings: continue else: warnings.append(message) continue errors.append(message) if rescue: return (errors, warnings) if warnings: for message in warnings: warn(message, SyntaxWarning) if errors: raise SyntaxError('\n'.join(errors)) return (errors, warnings)
[docs]def parse(text, ctx=None): """Parse a YANG statement into an Abstract Syntax subtree. Arguments: text (str): file name for a YANG module or text ctx (optional pyang.Context): context used to validate text Returns: pyang.statements.Statement: Abstract syntax subtree Note: The ``parse`` function can be used to parse small amounts of text. If yout plan to parse an entire YANG (sub)module, please use instead:: ast = ctx.add_module(module_name, text_contet) It is also well known that ``parse`` function cannot solve YANG deviations yet. """ parser = YangParser() filename = 'parser-input' ctx_ = ctx or create_context() if isfile(text): filename = text with open(filename, 'r') as fp: text = # ensure reported errors are just from parsing old_errors = ctx_.errors ctx_.errors = [] ast = parser.parse(ctx_, filename, text) # look for errors and warnings check(ctx_) # restore other errors ctx_.errors = old_errors return ast